
cake #2

i am always looking for an excuse to make a cake. we had some of my family over for a bbq today and i volunteered to make the dessert :) i had the hardest time deciding how to decorate this cake because i’ve seen so many cute ideas!
you may think i’m crazy, but i’m not a huge fan of cake. that is why cake decorating is such a great hobby for me! BUT if i am going to eat cake, it must be a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. so this cake is a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and fresh cut up strawberries in the middle. it was sooo good.


  1. nice job shelbs! I am way impressed! Can you make one for my anniversary? (by brigham)

  2. alright shelby! when it's maude's birthday you might need to teach me how to do fondant! these look amazing.
