
cake #2

i am always looking for an excuse to make a cake. we had some of my family over for a bbq today and i volunteered to make the dessert :) i had the hardest time deciding how to decorate this cake because i’ve seen so many cute ideas!
you may think i’m crazy, but i’m not a huge fan of cake. that is why cake decorating is such a great hobby for me! BUT if i am going to eat cake, it must be a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting. so this cake is a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and fresh cut up strawberries in the middle. it was sooo good.


it’s a start

so i decided that i need a hobby now that i’m a mom. my husband mentioned cake decorating and i completely blew it off…until i saw a cake that a girl in my ward did. she is amazing at it and it inspired me! 
i decided to try making my own fondant. it actually worked out really well! here is my first cake ever.
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this was a chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream frosting. it turned out better than i was expecting and i had so much fun doing it.. i cant wait to do more!