
wedding cake topper

I made this cake for my friends wedding. Instead of having a cake for everyone to eat she had cake pops. It was so cute! She had me make a cake for them to cut and eat.
(256 of 416)_-2530 pictures taken by cami dunn


ariel princess cake

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my niece is in love with ariel so she wanted an ariel princess cake. she loved it plus it looked so cute with the decorations and tasted yummy :) it was a confetti cake with vanilla buttercream icing.



this little girl was turning 7 and asked for a pink, green, and black girly cake with a few zebra stripes!
i used pearlized sprinkles on the small polka dots and the flowers around the bottom are made from gum paste.


Princess Doll cake

This morning I did a Princess Doll cake for a little girl’s birthday party. They had a professional Princess entertainer and she had me make this cake for them to match her beautiful dress!


demask wedding cake

This is my second wedding cake. I loved the challenge of the demask stencil. I had never used a stencil before, but I loved the way it turned out! When I dropped it off, it matched so perfect with all of the pink and demask decorations :)




delicious cake recipe from a simple cake mix

Here is a wonderful yet embarrassingly easy secret recipe that i thought i should share.
If you don’t want to mess with making a cake from scratch, use this!!
  • 1 cake mix
  • 1 instant pudding mix {same flavor as cake mix}
  • 3/4 cup oil
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 4 eggs

I have used organic cake mix’s, regular cake mix’s, white cake, yellow cake, chocolate cake, confetti cake..you get the point. It doesn’t matter what you use, it always tastes so moist and yummy!

Change of subject. My sister showed me this blog and now I want to try making all of these cakes!! Anyone need a cutesy cake??
I’m itching to make these…
and of course this one because chocolate is #2 on my favorite food list {#1 being ice cream}.
{pictures from her blog.}
Isn’t she talented? I want to be like her. Let me know if you need a delicious cake for anything! Birthday, wedding, party, midnight snack…


very first wedding cake!

this weekend i had the chance to make my friend’s wedding cake. this was my first time doing a wedding cake, let alone a 3 tiered cake. i was nervous/excited! it turned out great. her colors were black and teal. it looked so cute with the decorations! the top and bottom tier were yellow cake with vanilla butter cream icing and the middle tier was a double fudge chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream icing.
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